If you google cpanel price rise you will find lot of angry customers, specialy those with big accounts, it first begun when cpanel decided to go with per account licence instead of per server account, now you have to check the number of accounts runing in your WHM, and the different of price is huge depending on the number of accounts you have
and like it was not enough, cpanel decided to rise the price for their licences after that
and guess what, cpanel decided another rise from January 1st, 2020
So, the impact is huge on both the licence owner and final users, to remedy we suggest some alternatives:
1) using a cpanel alternative: there is plenty of cpanel alternatives up there, some are free like:
– aapanel
– froxlor
and some are paid like:
2) Make 2 different offers with different prices for same disk space one with cpanel and the other with one of the alternatives
3) Filter clients and keep the big ones on cpanel and move the others to the alternatives
if you decide to stay with cpanel, we suggest that:
1) You try to lower the number of your accounts, if a client has different accounts you may try to combine them in the same cpanel account using additional domaines
2) Rise your plans prices :-(
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